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Hearing test

In many cases, hearing loss happens very gradually and almost invisibly. This hearing test is the first step that will help you understand whether you have a well hearing.

Hearing test is only for initial hearing assessment, it doesn’t replace the professional hearing test and diagnosis performed by the hearing specialist.

Answer the questions

Hearing assessment
Answer questions by pressing YES or NO.
Ar dažnai neišgirstate telefono arba durų skambučio?
Ar dažnai tenka pašnekovo prašyti pakartoti, ką sakė?
Ar girdite nukritusios ant grindų monetos garsą?
Ar Jums sunku suvokti, iš kur sklinda garsas?
Ar Jums kas nors yra sakęs, kad Jūs blogai girdite?
Ar Jums sunku suprasti pokalbį, jei tuo pačiu metu kalba du ar daugiau žmonių?
Ar Jums yra sakę, kad žiūrite TV ar klausotės radijo per garsiai?
Ar pastebėjote, kad sunkiau sekasi suprasti vaikų ir moterų kalbą?
Ar pokalbio metu norėjosi, kad pašnekovas kalbėtų aiškiau ir garsiau?
Ar turite keblumų girdėti triukšmingoje aplinkoje (pvz., ūžiant žoliapjovei, grojant muzikai)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10


Test results shows that your hearing is good. Please keep in mind that this hearing test is only for initial hearing assessment, it doesn’t replace the professional hearing test and diagnosis performed by the hearing specialist.

Not everything is good.

The results show that you are possibly suffering from a hearing problem. We recommend you contacting hearing specialist for a professional hearing test. Don’t be afraid of your hearing test! A professional hearing test is fast and completely painless. A specialist will advise you how to improve your hearing. If you are diagnosed with hearing loss, your specialist will explain the type of hearing loss you have and introduce you to all the possibilities of hearing rehabilitation.

Sign in for a visit

You will get more detailed information during Your visit at our hearing specialist.
Please address the closest hearing center
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