Think you might be experiencing hearing loss? Here are common warning signs and tips to help determine if you might have a hearing loss.
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you should get your hearing checked by hearing prosthetic specialist at our OPERA hearing center.
Do you think somebody close to you has a hearing loss? There are some of the signs that could indicate hearing loss.
Answer the questions below:
If you answered “yes” to 5 or more of these questions. Your relative could have a hearing problem. Hearing loss occurs gradually, and the person himself may not even notice or understand it. Be ready not only to help, but also to listen to objections. Take care that your loved one would go for help and visit the hearing aid professional as soon as possible.
At an older age, tinnitus can be caused by gradual progression of hearing loss, cochlear neuritis. The hearing aids with tinnitus masking function can help these people. Masking is a special therapy program, designed to distract a person from the constant ringing sounds in his head. Many find external artificial sound more acceptable than tinnitus. During the visit, a hearing prosthetic professional adapts the hearing aid audio frequency (“white noise”) with the sounds you hear. While wearing these hearing aids, a person hears better, and the masked tinnitus becomes less frustrating. It is also possible for a person to adjust the masking level by special accessory “uDirect 2”.
Good hearing is extremely important for the development of a child's language, the perception and cognition of the world. Therefore, it is important baby‘s hearing impairments to identify as early as possible. Parents' attentiveness and diligence have high value and can help to assess whether or not the baby‘s hearing is really good.
Right after birth
From birth, your baby has pay close attention to sounds, especially high-pitched ones (for example: when he hears two hands clapping or banging or knocking on doors; in response to such sounds, the baby should blink or open eyes wide open.
About 1 month
The baby should start responding to sudden, prolonged sounds like the noise of a vacuum cleaner.
About 4 months
From four months your baby will react excitedly to sounds, and he may smile when he hears your voice and calms down, even he can’t see you. The baby can turn his head or eyes towards you, if you come from him back and talk.
About 7 months
At seven months babies will realize where sounds come from, and should immediately turn to the sound of your voice. He is able to react to the silent sounds coming from both sides.
About 9 months
The baby should listen to the usual everyday sounds and search where the silent sound has come from. He also has to show satisfaction with loud and melodious whispers.
About 12 months
The baby should respond when his or her name is called, or he heard other common words. He should respond to “no”, “bye bye”, even if he does not see gesticulation and mimes.
About 18 months
By 18 months, the baby should understand simple phrases, identify mentioned objects and recognizes people. At the same time, 18-month old should have a spoken vocabulary of between 20-50 words and short phrases. The vocabulary is expanding.
About 24 months
By 24 months, a toddler’s spoken vocabulary should be 200-300 words coupled with the emergence of simple and short sentences. Other people have to understand the child's language. A toddler should be able to sit and listen to read-aloud storybooks.